Jul 14, 2014 · This is why the government should never control the internet. it allowed the government to censor political speech by justifying its purpose as “balancing” competing points of view in

Apr 01, 2019 · In her recent book, Hate: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship, Nadine Strossen writes that hate speech “has no single legal definition, and in our popular discourse it has Jun 08, 2010 · The internet sovereignty of China should be respected and protected," it says. It adds that foreign individuals and firms can use the internet in China, but they must abide by the country's laws. Google recently pulled out of mainland China, saying it was no longer willing to accept government censorship. Government Should Have Right to Censor the Internet. of Internet users becomes more and more popular. To compare with 10 years ago, it’s an amazing difference. Internet can be used by 6 year-old children, by adults, or even though by 80 year-old people. However, its popularity is not always a good thing. List of Cons of Internet Censorship. 1. It removes the freedom of expression and deprives people of learning the truth. Opponents of internet censorship argue that by making this a law, freedom of the press, expression and speech is killed and is a violation of the First Amendment, which includes the prohibition of making a law that infringes freedom of the press and speech, among others. When Internet censorship regulations are permitted, then law enforcement and government agencies can block this content for public access while pursuing those who create it in the first place. 4. Internet censorship provides a firewall against potential hacking attempts. Internet censorship is rightly seen as a restriction on a person’s freedom. If we let someone censor our internet what else do you think they will feel they can go through. There is such thing as a right your own possessions. Why should they have the right to look on your own things. It's not theirs, if you feel that your children are doing something they shouldn't, then it is your business not any one else's.

Dec 07, 2017 · The internet is not a Charter-free zone where elected officials and government agencies are free to stifle critical or unpopular speech simply because they have readily available tools to do so.

A final reason the Internet should be censored is due to violations of intellectual property rights. Many people may imagine that such people as artists and writers would be wholly in favor of a free and open Internet, but the truth is that people who create movies, music, books and more are hurt by an uncensored Internet. The United States Government needs to stop drafting laws that aim to reduce online privacy and give the government the power to effectively censor the internet. The creators of these proposed laws would try to say that they will allow the government to better protect against cyber-attacks and to maintain intellectual property. May 19, 2020 · See also: How To Make Use Of The Internet: It Is More Than Just Social Media . Reduced Cybercrime. Censoring the internet can help to reduce cyber crime. People abuse the internet and in order to protect citizens then censorship should be considered. Sometimes social medias are not used in the appropriate manner.

The Reason Why Censorship of the Internet is Necessary

The United States Government needs to stop drafting laws that aim to reduce online privacy and give the government the power to effectively censor the internet. The creators of these proposed laws would try to say that they will allow the government to better protect against cyber-attacks and to maintain intellectual property. May 19, 2020 · See also: How To Make Use Of The Internet: It Is More Than Just Social Media . Reduced Cybercrime. Censoring the internet can help to reduce cyber crime. People abuse the internet and in order to protect citizens then censorship should be considered. Sometimes social medias are not used in the appropriate manner. Some people would say that they need to because of the dangers lurking around in the cyber world but the reasons for why the government shouldn’t regulate the Internet outnumber the reasons for why they should. The federal government should not regulate or censor information on the internet because doing so violates the first amendment and The government should censor the internet for many reasons. 1. to protect children 2. self-esteem issues 3. people are making examples to make bombs on the internet and that's just to name a few