Consulta tu correo de Gmail a través de otras plataformas

Jun 16, 2014 · “The mail server “” is not responding. Verify that you have entered the correct account info in Mail settings.” If you suddenly find yourself getting that “Cannot Get Mail” message from the email app on your iPhone, it can be very frustrating. Jun 06, 2013 · The joy of IMAP, Gmail, and the iPhone IMAP is a must-have in today's multi-device mobile world, and Gmail's IMAP setting is easy to setup and maintain. IMAP is how I stay on top of email across In regards to resetting your email service provider password as you've forgotten it you need to contact your provider or go onto their website and look for an option for forgotten password. For example if you setup outlook app or iPhone mail to use Gmail account then you'd need to go to Google's website and try to reset your password there. Mar 25, 2016 · The mail server is not responding. Verify that you have entered the correct account info in Mail settings.” The problem can be annoying; sometimes it may be an issue with your email settings, and sometimes it may just be a hiccup with the email server or internet connection you have established. Jan 31, 2019 · Incoming connections to the IMAP server at and the POP server at require SSL. The outgoing SMTP server,, requires TLS. Use port 465, or port 587 if your client begins with plain text before issuing the STARTTLS command. Libraries and Samples Mar 12, 2020 · There are a few things to keep in mind and check: When you make an iOS or iPadOS backup in iCloud or iTunes, it backs up your mail settings, but not your email. If you delete or change your email account settings, previously downloaded email might be removed from your device.

You can set up your mobile phone to send and receive email from your email accounts. Using IMAP, your email are kept on the server and are synchronised between all of your devices. It is therefore possible to access your email from different devices. Before you can set up your mobile phone for IMAP email, you need to set up your mobile phone for internet.

Hai appena comperato un iPhone, possiedi un account Gmail e vorresti poter gestire la tua corrispondenza elettronica direttamente e comodamente dal "melafonino"? Se la risposta è affermativa ma se non hai la più pallida idea di come fare sappi che ho una buona, anzi ottima notizia da darti: posso spiegarti io, passo dopo passo, come configurare Gmail su iPhone. Consulta tu correo de Gmail a través de otras plataformas Actualiza la configuración de IMAP para que no sincronice ciertas carpetas. Quita tu cuenta de Gmail del cliente de correo y, a continuación, prueba a añadirla de nuevo. En la configuración de IMAP de Gmail, configura IMAP para que solo sincronice carpetas con 10.000 correos electrónicos o menos.

2007-12-8 · 2. 在iPhone上,如果你之前已经创建了POP版的Gmail,请先删除此Gmail帐户,然后点击Mail,选择底部的Other。 3. 在接下来的界面中选择IMAP,Name填你的名字,Address当然是你的Gmail地址,Description给你这个邮箱起个名字吧,我就填Gmail。 4.

Jun 18, 2016 · If you’re using an iPhone or iPad, you may see a popup that asks you to download an app. Don’t do it—tap the “Go to the mobile Gmail site” link at the bottom of the screen. After you email loads, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, look for the links next to “View Gmail in:”, and tap Desktop . UPDATE: Now iPhone users can simply choose "GMail" from the list of built-in accounts when adding a new email account. Navigate to Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Add Account -> Gmail and enter your account Address and Password.